New Product Development Limited

NPDL was founded in 2013 by Dr Pin Yang Ang, who was born and grew up in Malaysia, with the vision of making everyday life easier via transforming ideas into physical profitable designs.

Dr Pin Yang Ang is a mechanical and mechatronic engineer specialises in new product development.

Dr Pin Yang Ang completed his first stage of tertiary education in Malaysia with Distinction in the fields of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. In 1997 he came to UK Queen’s University of Belfast, which is one of the UK Russell Group Universities, to study Masters Degree in Computer-Aided Mechanical Engineering Design, in which he graduated with Distinction. He was then awarded with a full scholarship from the same university to pursue PhD in Engineering Analysis, and graduated in the year 2002. During these periods he also completed the full certificate of UK Engineering Council Examinations.

Dr Pin Yang Ang career in UK started in 2002 working in a new product development project that involved BAE SYSTEM. He then quickly and effectively mastered the practical skills and experiences in new product development processes via working across various industries as technical lead in international projects that took place in UK, Norway, France, Germany, Malta, Netherlands, China, and Singapore.

In the year 2013, Dr PinYang Ang decided to focus only on what he loves to do, i.e. transforming ideas to profitable designs via applying comprehensive engineering skills and knowledge, hence New Product Development Limited was founded.